Friday, December 17, 2010

It was so exciting when Connie ask for some "fearless painters" to do a guest post.  I really wanted to do it but it scared the bejeebers out of me.  I put the fear gremlin to the side and did my best.

  Thank you so much Connie.

 Guest Post on

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Milk Can's

I have been frantically painting these cans ......
for Christmas

Whew............ I finally got them done

I am a last minute person.

One Word

"Looking for one word to manifest a wonderful year"

That is going to be difficult, I can never make up my mind, I tried to do it last
year and I just gave up. This year I'm going to give a go.
I have heard of people doing this, picking one word for their year to come,
and having great success. I will never know unless I try.
So for the next few weeks I am going to think real hard on the "word"

I love the word "fearless" but it's not feeling like the "word".

O Universe help me pick the perfect word 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010


This is a must see website

It has tons of salvaged architectural stuff…..oh love that stuff.

Penny Gorman takes salvaged pieces and makes art from them.  MAN, they are awesome.  O so creative!

Go on check it out, beautiful work.

Talk soon.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fearless Painting

One of the paintings I did in "BIG"
The intention we had to keep in mind is
"How it feels to be me"
I am pretty happy with the results.
Connie is so good at what she does, her little nudges to get 
you thinking about how to paint intuitively.  
Everyone in the group was very supportive it was a
great tribe of creative women. 

Saturday, October 2, 2010


"BIG" with Connie Hozvicka has been absolutely amazing.  The whole idea of painting from your intuition was very scary and nerve racking. But Connie was great at guiding and steering in the right direction.
If anyone is interested they should definitely check her site out it is awesome.

The shedding

Well the shedding was pretty successful....of course when the cue was to shed I just went wild and started getting rid of a bunch of STUFF.  I filled my sons huge Ford truck full with stuff and that was round one.  I wanted to do it that way because I knew I would be pretty easy on myself.  But near the end of the day when everything was gone and I was just tidying up I fell ( didn't hurt myself) but it jarred something emotions...and the tears came. What the tears were for "I don't know".  A lot of stuff was moved and shifted around, so that could be it.
Sent 3 boxes of books to the library and I still have a laundry basket full to the brim with more books to go.

Now I'm going around again.........even though I accidently got rid of stuff I meant to give to someone.....when it was all said and done.  I felt really really light and good and really did not miss a thing.

So now some harder choices to make what to keep and what to throw!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Shed Project

Today I started the "Shed Project".............

Idea of this is to shed some things from your life, could be physical or mental..whatever you like.

The idea is one I have been always doing but on a small scale.  I want to go deeper and want to get some weight off my shoulders.

Scared and Excited is all I can say, because I know the emotional
attachment to things I have.

First 3 things we have to do is
Clean out purse that's easy I just bought a new one
Clean out car
Weigh yourself........uh oh I have not done that in a couple years.

Glove compartment, backseat and the trunk. I didnot think there was that much stuff in the car, I haven't had the car that long. Trunk...... that box in there, completely forgot about it. Surprises already.
Now just to weigh myself..............

Assignments not too hard so far.......but there is more to come.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Last Sunday I started the "BIG" course with Connie Hozvicka , she is so amazing.  Connie knows her stuff, seems like she is just one step ahead of  my inner critic.  Love her approach.  Before my brush even touched the much came up. 

 Then all the wonder tribeswomen,  well they are absolutely inspiring. ♥

Connie was not kidding when she said that there was alot in this course!!

So much is changing this week...
I'm happy, sad, mad, crying, intoxicated (not with the drink)
 but maybe a little wine might help,
excited, inpatient and and the list goes on and on.
I am quit sure it is going to take me awhile to really understand
what is happening and this is only the 1st week.

Better fasten my seatbelt,
I have no doubt in my mind this is going to be the best
rollercoaster ride I've been on in awhile.

This is Jack my painting partner,
 he sleeps in his little bed while I paint away.

The first exercise was scribbling......
.a few days later I look at this painting,
I see all the walls I built up around me.
Perfect little boxes.

What is really funny is......
 that is one of the things I wanted to break down.
I wanted to break a few bricks or walls....hmmm!

Then I did another aaannndd...
to me it seems my boxes and bricks are
started to stir little tornadoes.
Wonder what the red in the corner represents?
Maybe that answer will come later.
There is greener grass.....

I called this - INNER BLOCKS

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

From the movie 'Tin Cup'
"When the defining moment comes along,
you define the moment or
the moment defines you."

That made my heart sing abit,
So I have to acknowledge
I have know idea what I'm doing...
so I'm going to start fresh.

My journey started over 10 years ago,
a lump in my neck,
that kept growing and growing.
soon I could no longer swallow any food or drink.
My weight kept going down and down,
on a good note that would be great.
Soon came all the doctors appointments and
tests and more tests, and more tests.
Biopsies at least 3,
one biopsy I lost my voice for 1 year,
because they nicked my jugular and in that moment
my left vocal cord was damaged.
My voice never has been the same.
The last surgery they put in a trach and stomach tube.
I've had both for 9 years.
To look at me you would not see anything,
other than I wear a scarf around my neck.
I can eat almost anything because my family doc, I had at the time,
encourage me to do so.
That way I would not lose the muscle I had left.
I took it easy at first then kept on going.

So I've been on a quest,
for a more meaningful life.
One thing I know for sure...
there are some fantastic people out there.
Grateful can not explain the blessings I've had.
Maybe if I said 'Grateful' a million times.

That's why I've plunged deeper into my creative life.
I have discovered I have not just one block it seems more like
 a whole wall, preventing me from breaking out.
Breaking free from these chains.

I am so GRATEFUL to Kim Klassen,
she charged me up.
I still feel lost and not sure but the motor is going.
That's a good thing.
Through Kim I joined "Big" with
Connie Hozvicka.
She is so so so incredible.
Can't wait to start.
I like her approach to art.

So onward and upward

I feel a little lighter.....aaahhh
that's a story....I don't... tell... very often.
Thank you for listening...Universe

Monday, August 2, 2010

kim klassen inspiration staycation: can you say BURST?

kim klassen inspiration staycation: can you say BURST?: "thank you hildefor letting me share your groovy 'peace out' image...... happy monday stay-cation friends. it's finally here. oh my gosh, ..."

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I have taken Kim Klassens Photoshop course,, really have enjoy it.
So I was thinking I would put it to good use and make a calendar and put some of the techniques in each month, then give for Christmas gifts.  Its so hard to find something to give someone, that you don't know intimately, a thoughtful gift.  I always try and give something I have created in some way, I don't know if they like it, but I thoroughly enjoy a homemade gift.  Them making it with there own hands and with the intent of giving it to me, is so wonderful.
The best gift I have gotten, as of late, was from friends of ours......they were on a road trip up in northern Ontario and stopped in front of a big rock cliff and while one watched for cars......the other SPRAY PAINTED our names on the rocks, " Maurice loves Gail".  Then took a picture of it!!! They framed it and when I received it....well tears filled my eyes.
Reasons: - Just the thought of someone putting that much thought into a gift, just filled my heart with joy.
                - these couple are in there late fifties, the image I see in my mind of them spray painting the rocks and looking out for cars, makes me smile. Wish I had a picture of them in the act.
               - simple inexpensive gift with so much power

Ironically I thought the picture was photoshopped :~)
P.S. They use water based paint

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The photo is perfect,
 thank you,
there is no other words,
thank you,
blessing n kindness,
thank you,
you've made my day,

Friends Meeting house

Made this sign for a church hall in a small community,
completely inspired by
They absolutely loved it,
Thanks for your inspiration.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Still photography assignment .... used Kim Klassen's texture "tablet" behind heart

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Trees have alot to say.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I thought I'd give this a try, the egg assignment....I'll try anything...  It was a really neat.  Photograph an egg on black and white surfaces, shoot in a color mode but the picture has to be black and white. FUN

Started an Art Journal course with "The Poetic Eye",  lk Ludwig,  fun.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Reach High

Thanks Kim the texture "distressed sky" looks great.  Texture Kim Klassen.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

loving the PSE

This photo is 2 pictures taken by my son Taylor and the texture is from "Kim Klassen texture collection".  Kim has an awesome site, check it out I have the link in " My Blog List".  Taylor also has great style of picture taking.  If I say so myself ;)

My son Taylor's pic with a texture added

Tuesday, March 16, 2010