Well the shedding was pretty successful....of course when the cue was to shed I just went wild and started getting rid of a bunch of STUFF. I filled my sons huge Ford truck full with stuff and that was round one. I wanted to do it that way because I knew I would be pretty easy on myself. But near the end of the day when everything was gone and I was just tidying up I fell ( didn't hurt myself) but it jarred something inside...my emotions...and the tears came. What the tears were for "I don't know". A lot of stuff was moved and shifted around, so that could be it.
Sent 3 boxes of books to the library and I still have a laundry basket full to the brim with more books to go.
Now I'm going around again.........even though I accidently got rid of stuff I meant to give to someone.....when it was all said and done. I felt really really light and good and really did not miss a thing.
So now some harder choices to make what to keep and what to throw!!!!!!