Today was a fast and furious pace, we left the hotel in st annes and headed for the Cabot trail , before we had left the owner of the hotel was giving us some rags to clean and dry them-bikes,'while we were doing this I heard one of the people that we rode up with the night before say there was an eagle coming into the hotel yard and sure enough there was a mature eagle flying in,'turns out the owner was feeding it,'ham and strips of chicken. He was telling us that the bird has been around for a while and that the bird trained him, soon as he sees the owner he perches across the road on a pole until he feeds it, said that the eagle will kill a seagull by dragging it to the water and drowning it then ripping it to shreds. Anyways onto the trail, nice ride but did not compare to the rock. Rode the trail and then we drove to Digby, rode till 11:44 at night before we arrived at the hotel. Pulled into gas station and fell over with bike,'my legs were like rubber and could not hold it up. Strapping young lad came over and picked the bike up like it was a 500 cc, thanked the lad for his help, he was even going to give us a ride, got to love these people down here, Gail and I were so tired that she got into a giggling fit, said i looked like an old man in slow motion.