We left Digby Admiral mid morning and boogied on up to a port dufferin, we were trying to make it to Sidney, did not happen, traveled to Lockhartville to see our niece Darlene and her family, they have a beautiful spot right near a catch basin for the ocean, Wayne has lived there all his life in this area, he said that they had a beached whale in there a couple of years ago that had got in through the power plants turbine and was what likely killed it. The turbine is no longer used n this area. After too short of time with my neice and her family we headed into Halifax to the museum of Nova Scotia to see an exhibit of Maude Lewis which was really a great exhibit. If you could see what a person Maude was, a poster person for all to be inspired by, an artist who depicts the culture on wood that we in other parts of this country have no time or interest to preserve, this woman was against all odds and kind of a recluse because of her illness. Her world was only sixty miles square. Check out Maude Lewis art on he net. So after that treat we had to make some miles and try to get to Sidney to catch the ferry, we covered a lot of ground but it was getting dark out and cooling off, we drove through some nice coastlines and villages, such as Uniacke, Sackville to name a couple. We pushed hard to make the ferry but it was getting late, both of us were tired , hungry and a little chilled. Anyway we stopped in Port Dufferin in a small ocean side motel called the Marquis
of Dufferin, passing by it would look like any motel on the outskirts of any city, but boy was it a nice place, room with a view is an understatement regarding this diamond in the rough. Owner was very kind and helpful, she moved out there from Saskatchewan 7 years ago and bought the place, any couple or family would love it.