Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bird Bath

This is my version of a pinterest find. Everything is recycled but the top tray, I had a huge clay saucer to use........it broke. 

The very bottom piece is actually a tree trunk, the tree had died a few years ago and I had planned on putting something on it.  Then this idea came up, perfecto.  The dish that the plants are in is an old enamel sink that we used to feed the pigs. I attached that to the tree trunk.  The lady in the center is a stand that holds one of those glass balls,  which I can't seem to find in stores now.......so yesterdays style.  So it was used as the center stem of the  birdbath. Dish on top I bought half price at Michaels Craft Store and than I painted it to look old.  I attached that with silicone and then added a big rock in the center for weight, also the birds can land on it.

Now............I think it needs a bigger garden around it.   Plans....plans, I love it
Our new addition - Ivy

Motorcylc ride home